Chase is committed to making our products and services accessible to meet the banking and financial services needs of all our customers.
Some of the services we provide, free of charge, include:
- Guideline/raised-line checks: We offer our customers guideline/raised-line checks, which are larger (8 1/8" by 3") with embossed guidelines that are easy to feel. Raised-line checks are available in wallet or duplicate style; you can order them like any other checks for your account.
- Information reformatting: We can provide Chase documents, including monthly statements, in alternative formats such as large print, Braille, audio, or data CD. Go to your local branch or call a telephone banker at 1-800-935-9935 to learn more about our information-reformatting services.
- Telecommunications Relay Service: We accept all telecommunication relay service calls, including video relay services (VRS).
- Reader services: Our bankers will read and explain materials to customers who want help opening products/services or conducting financial transactions. Call or stop by your local branch.
- Sign language interpreters/written notes: We can exchange notes in our branches or, for more complex or lengthy discussions, we can arrange an appointment with a qualified sign language interpreter at your local branch.
- Visual Interpreting Service: We provide the Aira visual interpreting service at our branches and ATMs. Customers and prospects can connect with a live agent through your smartphone for assistance with visual information. Aira is available in English, Spanish, and French. To learn more, visit your local branch or call Aira at 1-800-835-1934.
- Talking Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs): All Chase ATMs are speech enabled. Customers can use standard headphones (â…›-inch jack) to hear the screen displayed information. To request headphones call 1-800-935-9935, choose option 0 to speak to a representative. To find a Chase ATM, use our convenient .
- Card Sleeve: We offer a card-size envelope that you can slip your debit or credit card into which has the corresponding card information in braille or large font. If you’re interested, please contact Chase Accessibility Services at 1-855-644-4561.
Web and mobile accessibility
We strive to meet online usability and design requirements recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in its Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, as well as requirements under the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010. We use design standards that help customers identify, interpret, understand and interact with information presented on our websites and mobile apps.
Here are some helpful tips for using our sites and apps:
- Account numbers: In most instances, you won’t get your complete account number online. For security reasons, we’ll only reveal a few digits (typically the last 3 or 4) of your account number. The remaining digits are represented by a series of periods or the letter X.
- Dollar amounts: When you include dollar amounts, you may get one input field or two fields separated by a decimal point. In some cases, you’ll find an example adjacent to the input field(s) to help you understand how to format your amount.
- Personalizing accounts: You can give your accounts nicknames if you like. Some people like to do that to recognize them more easily. Choose Profile & Settings from the main navigation menu and then choose “Nickname accounts.”
Software recommendations and settings
We follow the W3C's globally recognized standards to provide content that’s compatible with the most popular assistive technologies and web browsers. We recommend using the most current version (or the version released just prior to) of manufacturer's assistive technology applications, along with a current version of the browsers listed below.
Please go to the individual manufacturer’s site for information about how to obtain them. You may also have access to assistance from local and state agencies or non-profit groups in your area.
Screen reader applications
The following browser and screen reader application pairings are recommended for the best customer experience:
- Chrome and JAWS
- Mozilla Firefox and NVDA
- Chrome and TalkBack for Android devices
- Safari and VoiceOver for iOS and macOS devices
You can improve your online experience by exploring these features and settings available in various assistive technology applications:
- Special characters: If it’s required by your screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read any of these special characters: @, #, $, &, ', ", /, |, _, { }, [ ] and words with tilde or grave accented characters.
- Symbols: If it’s required by your screen reading application, enable settings to automatically read these symbols: +, -, =, *, \, %, ^, ( ), < and >.
We recommend using the most current version (or the version released just prior to) of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Microsoft Edge.